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Top 10 Positive Things about Diabetes

Diabetes is not all gloom and doom. There are some positive things about Diabetes. Knowing them helps one cope better. Obviously there are many health related positives like weight loss, regular diet, but there is more to it than just health. Let's look at some key takeaways about Diabetes.

Diabetes can benefit all including you, your family and your community or a social circle.

Top 10 positive things about Diabetes :-

1) Dietary habits get disciplined :- It's not in human nature to control the desire to eat  favourite junk foods. Diabetes forces this discipline upon you. Although reluctantly, everyone will accept that its a good habit and they always felt the need for it.

A happy diabetic - positive things about diabetes
A Happy Diabetic

2) Weight loss :- As a Diabetic,1st advice you will get from all is to control your sugar levels. And 2nd is to lose weight.Therefore most Diabetics focus the most on these 2 things and they actually do very well after following this advice. It's a major benefit considering the positives it brings to your health profile. It reduces risk of acquiring other major illnesses. Overall fitness level too goes up. 

3) Special food demands :-  There is a palpable change in food habits after Diabetes. You get more say in the daily diet plan and it is often cooked after consulting you. Hence the prospects of getting your favourites improve. 

4) Improved cooking skills :- Diabetes imposes several restrictions on many daily food items. Hence, it forces the homemaker to think out of the box, innovate. They later go on to make some great new recipes that are healthier and more delicious. One would not get to taste those recipes otherwise.

5) Family health improves :- While you get more say in daily diet, your prescribed food is served to the entire family. Diabetic diet being lighter and healthier benefits everybody. As the awareness about Diabetes increases, other members too adopt healthier lifestyles.

6) Regular health check-ups :- Health when normal is the most neglected part of life. Few people really appreciate their good health. Most take it for granted. They realize its value only when something goes wrong. This along with high expenses keeps majority away from regular health check-ups.  After Diabetes, the frequency of health visits increase. This helps in early diagnosis and proper treatment of other disorders.

7) Fear of needles decreases :- Diabetics (especially those with type I) are forced to take Subcutaneous Insulin injections multiple times daily. Frequent blood glucose testing also involve needle pricks. Initially its a big hassle. Everyone hates it but after a few days people get accustomed to it. Thereafter their fear about needle pricks and  injections decreases substantially. 

8) Helps understand people :- Diabetes, these days is one of the best conversation starters. It gets people going. Diabetics get a point to make while Non-Diabetics find it intriguing. It piques their interest to know how you are managing it. These conversations later on turn into friendly chat and thus the social circle expands. 

9) Become motivated in life :- Adversity always brings the best out of people. Thoughts about Diabetes cripples people at first. Later people learn about it. They accept it as a challenge and get motivated to deal with it.

10) Promotes Social Harmony :- In daily life, normal health brings numerous advantages that people take it for granted. After people get diagnosed with diabetes, they feel humbled. Their attitude towards the disabled, handicapped and not so lucky ones change. Their sensitivity towards social issues increases. They become more empathetic and develop an urge to do more.

Next time someone tells you Diabetes is really bad, shoot this mail at 'em....


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